Big Hype Marketing

November 11, 2021
Shane Christensen

Shane Christensen

Shane Christensen Marymount Manhattan College Year 2023 Musical Theater What I love most about college: I love working with and learning from working actors and dancers […]
November 11, 2021
Ryan Puterbaugh

Ryan Puterbaugh

Ryan Puterbaugh Columbia University Year 2024 Theatre and Linguistics What I love most about college: I love New York City and the independence that college gives […]
November 11, 2021
Bella Kelso

Bella Kelso

Bella Kelso The Theatre School at DePaul University Year 2024 Major: BFA Acting What I love most about college: It has been so beautiful to be […]
November 11, 2021
Savannah Young

Savannah Young

Savannah Young Pace University Year 2025 BFA film and television acting What I love most about college: I love continuing to explore acting and diving into […]