Hillary Moss Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was created to honor former Braver Player student, Hillary Moss, who made this world a better place in her all-too-brief time with us. Hillary made her mark as both a leader and an example of kindness and compassion to those whose lives she touched.
We invite any Braver Player student, aged 8-20, to apply for this scholarship by submitting a one-page essay explaining how you have displayed leadership and compassion in your own life, in addition to telling us about your passion for theater. Materials can be submitted to contact@braverplayers.org.
Application deadline is August 1, 2018. Essays will be evaluated by the Braver Players Board of Directors. The scholarship recipient will receive full tuition for one Braver Players production. Award will be announced before our fall show.
To donate to the Hillary Moss Memorial Scholorship, please click here.